Critters Up Close

Time for some critters this week.  And some of them are up close.  So I will be joining three  memes with these photos:

For Saturday’s Critters I give you Bosco, my sister’s ‘beloved dog’.  Once bitten by a copperhead he survived with the help of a great vet and the deep pockets of his human dad.



Haven’t a clue as to the genus of this creature.  I am naming it bug on blossom!  Addendum:  it is an assassin bug, good bug, bad bite!



A less than perfectly focused but this is really about having fun and learning shot.



You decide which is macro or critter but just be sure to click the following buttons to visit the memes.  I surely appreciate all visitors and comments.  Thanks for the stopping in!
Saturday's Critters

Shine the Divine

61 thoughts on “Critters Up Close

  1. Bosco is a cutie, so glad he survived the snake bite.. Your flowers are lovely! Neat looking bug, it sounds scary. Thanks so much for linking up your post with my critter party. Enjoy your weekend!


  2. Thats a cracking looking bug – and I think they are good from a garden point of view as they eat insects we considers pests. Of course the Assassin Bug just considers them lunch!

    Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne


  3. I especially like your “bug on blossom” —interesting that I just saw a bug I had never seen before on my flowers, taking nectar.

    Thanks for stopping to see my Good Fences post and commenting.


  4. The Assasin Bug is actually very pretty! And that rose! And how we love our animals, and would do anything to see them well again! That cutie has a good “dad.” 🙂


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