Saturday’s Critters #80

If you want to see some cute critters or if you have some photos you wish to share, click here.

These critters were spotted in the San Diego – La Jolla Underwater Park on March 24, 2015.

Brown Pelicans in winter plumage:




Human critters admiring a couple of sea lions basking in the California sun.


A pigeon flying around.  I just discovered that pigeons were once used by The U.S. Coast Guard for Search and Rescue missions.  Another wrinkle on the brain.


Y’all all (that is Texas plural for everyone) have a great week.  And Happy Fourth to the folks in the USA.   Thanks to Saturday’s Critters host Eileen.

 Saturday's Critters
Also, more birds can be seen at HootinAnni’s

Skywatch Friday – April 23, 2015 Edition

Today the skies are mostly clouds here in my part of the world.  I am choosing to share some photos from about a month ago on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.  We visited the Torrey Pines Gliderport.  It was spring break time so lots of activity.


This was the view opposite the sign.


 A few feet further and these were what we saw!



That’s right, folks jumping off of perfectly good land with nothing but a kite on their back!




Turns out there is a nude beach, a rarity in the US, just below this cliff.  Maybe that is the reason for jumping!

Please, visit all the skies across the world by clicking here.

Thanks to Skywatch Friday hosts