Spring Beauty

Had the opportunity to spend a few days in the country near the Brazos River.  Hope you can enjoy this small collection of the quite beauty of the area.

I heard a ruckus outside and found this beautiful sight, a sky full of geese angles.


Canada geese


Following morning fog in the morning sun.


Sister’s favorite kitty keeping birds from drowning?


 The above picture was in the morning and the following was later in the day.  Can you see the fences now that the fog is gone.


This was just the shape of the dead limb gradually being covered by Virginia creeper.


 And the skies were just such a beautiful color!


Possibly a female cardinal.

 It surprised me that this wren had already had a family to feed.


wren working hard to feed babies

 There were several cardinal couples in the area.


beautiful cardinal

 Drum roll, please.  This is my first painted bunting!!!


Please, visit all the fine folks at the following gun blogging groups.  I promise you will see amazing photos from across the world.  Peace and Blessings for the weekend!

Thanks to host TexWisGirl, akaTheresa,

 over at the Run*A*Round Ranch Report.

Thanks to Skywatch Friday hosts

 Thanks to Saturday’s Critters host Eileen.

Saturday's Critters

21 thoughts on “Spring Beauty

  1. Nothing like seeing a beautiful bird for the very first time!! And such a fabulous one at that. They’re gorgeous…even the female painted buntings tho, so very different from the guys!!!

    Fabulous post with wonderful photos.


    • I had taken a distance shot of a red spot in a tree thinking a cardinal. Upon inspection later in the day I was thrilled to realize what it was. Sister threw some birdseed out as was her tradition and the birds cam flying! Quite exciting!.


  2. i think that might be a cedar waxwing you captured! 🙂 lovely territory you were in. and sister’s kitty is a helpful one. 🙂 congrats on the painted bunting! they’re back here again for the season. 🙂


    • This area was south of Weatherford for a little better reference. Well, I have a couple other shots I will inspect more closely. The waxwings I previously saw were in Missouri and were travelling in a huge group. Sis says she sees them all summer.


    • That is about 200 miles from my current home, closer to that area I grew up. The area had been in a severe drought with many of the reservoirs almost completely dry. Sis said the trees are fuller than she has seen in years.


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